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I am an aspiring artist living in Northampton, England. I have created art for as long as I can remember: from creating bowls out of clay to watercolour painting with my Granny. 

I loved art at school and would frequently buy spare sketchbooks off of my art teacher to sketch and paint in at home.

The main media's I would use as a teenager were graphite pencils and watercolour paints. But I soon started experimenting with other media's such as: coloured pencils, charcoal, acrylic paint, inks, the list goes on!

I eventually decided to apply for a fine art course at college, where unfortunately I only stayed for a few months. For me personally, the course wasn't taking me or my art in the direction that I wanted it to.

Since then I decided to experiment with the one media I had always been eager to try - oil paint. I felt as though something clicked inside me whilst I was using them. I loved everything about them! Right then and there, I decided that this was what I wanted to do. I'd been searching for years for my niche and I'd finally found it.

Ever since, I have directed all my efforts into improving my oil painting technique and I have been trying to develop and enhance my own art style.

Portraits are generally the leading focus of most of my artwork. This is because I love how the human face can project so many different emotions, even when frozen in time within drawings and paintings.

My dream is to become a full time artist, creating beautiful pieces of artwork.

The only way I can do that is with your support. So if my artwork speaks to you, please let me know and follow me on my art journey, I'd love to share it with you!

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