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Robin step-by-step process

Sorry it’s been so long since my last blog post! 😲

I've been asked by a few people to show you more step by step photos of my paintings, so I ACTUALLY remembered to take some photos during this painting.

I started by laying out the basic shapes and shades using thinned down Burnt Umber oil paint. I prefer to plan out my art with under-paintings rather than sketches as you can create a more 3 dimensional view of the subject and can pick up on any issues early so they can be rectified.

I hadn’t painted a blurry background before so it was definitely a challenge, but it was very fun to do! After I painted the background, I made a start on the foliage in the foreground, blocking in the main colours. The last piece that I started to paint was the Robin, blocking in the colours and shadows, the same as I had done with the foliage. Finally I added in the details on the leaves, the branch and on the Robin, defining the shadows and highlights.

Let me know if you enjoyed seeing my process, hopefully I'll keep remembering to take more progress photos in the future!

I’m hoping to get prints made of this little guy soon, so keep an eye out on my Facebook page for updates!


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