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I'm so excited to be able to invite you all to my BRAND NEW WEBSITE!


So, as this is my first (of hopefully many) blog posts, I'm going to briefly gloss over the sort of things I'm going to be blogging/vlogging about and why.

I've decided to create a blog to be able to share more things with you, including arty outings to galleries, how I construct the reference photos I use for my drawings and paintings and reviews on the equipment and products that I use frequently or that I'm experimenting with.

I'm going to try and post here as much as I can as well as still sharing on other platforms such as Facebook and YouTube.

I love hearing feedback from you all, so if there is anything you would like to see me discussing or showing, please get in touch with me!

As always, thank you so much for your support, it means so much to me, and makes me even more persistent to create even more artwork and improve my skills as much as I can!

Keep your eyes peeled for my next post, I think you will like it!...

G x



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